2018-19 Season Recap 和 Awards

This year was an amazing season. 作为一个团队,我们遇到了很多挑战和障碍——今年我们有很多天才——……. 的 ones here are the ones who pressed on 和 finished the season.

的 球队7胜1负 in head to head meets, defeating conference rivals like North Cross, 洛亚诺克天主教, 和新约. 唯一的正面损失,我们复仇击败圣约人在维也纳会议决赛

在赛季开始的时候,队长们和我坐下来讨论了一些个人目标, 和 some goals for the team. 在整个赛季中,这支球队不仅实现了每一个目标,而且还超越了目标, 7 of our school 11 School Records fell. But I’ll talk more about those as I go through the awards.

其次今年的亮点是观看200米自由泳接力队后来后去 赢得 the 200 FREE Relay at our district meet. 接力赛的积分是比赛的两倍,所以我们知道接力赛对我们的成功至关重要. 的y won the event by seventeen hundredths of a second. 在这样的比赛中,不仅仅是主播赢了,但你可以诚实地看着每一个游泳选手,告诉他们 every kick, every flip turn, every pull matters!

更多来自VIC会议的亮点:在过去的一年里,我们通常在VIC锦标赛中获得6或7名, losing to the first place team by 60- 80 points. 今年我们 jumped over 3 teams to 完成第三, only losing to the second place team by 6 points. 如果我们不能拿下整个团队,这是不可能的. So, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank CPT Cranston.

的 final highlight was swimming at the State Meet. This was my third time going to the State meet, but it was the first time, in my time as coach, that we’ve made it past the primary round 和 into the finals. In other years not everyone did their best at the state meet. This year, however, everyone peaked at just the right time – everyone did their best when it mattered the most.

如果我能再说一遍的话,每个游泳运动员在关键时刻都尽了最大的努力 ! 这不仅仅是一堂游泳课或体育课,而是一堂人生课.

领导奖 是为了那些最好的榜样和以身作则的学员:这个学员对队长和我都有很大的帮助.  

A Swim meet is a very busy atmosphere – sound bounces 和 echos off the water 和 walls; it’s hard to communicate. 我们有很多新游泳运动员,有很多问题,所以我的队长和前辈们站出来为团队提供高质量的领导是至关重要的. 从发手机到拿衣服,这位游泳运动员在我还没来得及请人帮忙之前就发挥了领导作用.   

This year leadership award goes to… Ryan Curran.

Cassion Husstle: is for the cadet who Gives 100% in practice 和 competition.  

这名学员在整个夏天都坚持游泳,并在12月刻苦训练. When the first meet came around he chose to swim one of the harder 事件 in the meet, the 200 FREE. He improved his time by 19.01%. 无论他在水中练习还是在比赛中,我总是能得到他最好的表现. 

This year’s Cassion Husstle award goes to… Gavin Sanger.

进步最快对于游泳运动员来说,一年级和二年级的成绩总是很容易看出的. This year was no exception; many of our first year swimmers made great gains.

However, what’s harder to notice is the 80/20 rule. This says that for any task or goal that you take one, 你可以用20%的努力完成80%的目标……. 但要完成最后20%的目标,你需要付出80%的努力. 换句话说, it’s relatively easy to go from poor – to average – to good, but it requires something special – it requires 4 times the effort to go from good to great. 我已经等了一段时间,想看看这位游泳运动员是否/何时会做出这种改进, 和 this year he has.

At the State meet, this swimmer dropped -1.55秒 off his time when finishing 4th in the Bonus 50 因为他游出了万豪会娱乐在线历史上最快的50米自由泳. He was also a part of two 2 record breaking relay teams; 200 free 和 400 free.  

This year’s most improved goes to… Gavin Flanagan

Iron Cassion Award – the Iron Cassion award goes to the toughest athlete on the team.


蛙泳是一项容易学习但很难掌握的运动. 它有一个复杂的开始,一个尴尬的踢腿,一个困难的划水和筋疲力尽的转身. 在州泳比赛中,他在100米蛙泳中比之前的最好成绩落后了3秒,同时打破了学校的纪录,并游出了他的赛季最好成绩.

当他代表FMS参加州运动会时,他比自己的赛季最好成绩下降了3秒,并打破了100米的学校纪录. He was also part of 所有三个 record-breaking, state-qualifying relays.  

This year’s Iron Cassion is… Sebastian Holdridge

教练奖 -是对态度端正、尊重他人、合作精神好的学员的奖励.

作为一名教练,我要做的最难的事情之一就是弄清楚 who will swim what event. Each swimmer can only swim 4 事件, 2 individual 和 2 relay. To add to the complication, 有时,我们在每个项目中可以投入的游泳运动员数量有限. 的se limits mean, I have to balance, 一个游泳运动员能做什么,他最擅长什么,对整个团队来说什么是最好的.

作为教练,你 love to have guys that can swim anything 和 everything. 在这方面,这位游泳运动员是我教过的最灵活的游泳运动员之一. 他在整个赛季中一次又一次地证明了这一点,因为他在几乎所有的比赛中都比州切落后一秒.

他的 selfless attitude 和 cooperation freed up the rest of their team to do their best. 如果没有这种灵活性,我们就不会是7胜1负,或者在VIC会议上获得第三名.

He’s currently on the record board more than anyone else; 5 times. 他锚定了第一名200自由接力队在VIC会议和再次作为一个国家的决赛. 他参与了 所有三个 record breaking relay teams. He also holds the school record for the 100 FREE 和 the 200 FREE.

This year’s Coaches award goes to… Ryan Argueta.

MVP - is the best 和 most productive person on the team.

这位游泳运动员有一颗帮助教导和指导其他游泳运动员的伟大的心. 他是我一整年与C组一年级游泳运动员一起工作的宝贵资源.

Like I mentioned at the beginning. 的 team made a huge jump at the VIC conference. 因为州际运动会是资格赛,不是每个人都能参加. 因此,VIC会议是我们团队这一年的主要焦点.

By scoring more points than anyone else at the conference meet, 这位学员与这些成就的关系比任何人都大.  

He earned 3 points for a 6th place finish in the 100 FLY

He earned a 7 points 和 a silver medal in the 100 backstroke. (which was the best individual performance of the night)


He earned a gold medal as a part of the 200 Free Relay.

He’s on the record board twice as a part of record breaking, 400 Free Relay 和 again, as a state finalist on the 200 Medley Relay.

This year’s MVP is… Wesley Loe.